Each time a pointer field in an object in the heap is modified, the corresponding bit in the card map for that card is set. 每次修改堆中对象中的指针字段时,就在卡片映射中设置对应那张卡片的相应位。
It modified its servers so that they would add a little bit of extra time every time they were updated, so that by the time of the leap second they were already caught up with the new time. 它更改服务器使得每回在更新时都会增加一点额外的时间,如此到闰秒的时候,他们已经赶上了新时间。
There is a very interesting joke of cow, which I have modified a little bit to illustrate how different countries and peoples make use of the animal. 有一个牛笑话,活灵活现。我稍加改编,从牛观人,怎么用牛,就有怎么样的国家和民族。
What if we modified the design a little bit. 如果我们再修改一下设计怎么样?
A respected agronomist, Tong Pingya, told AFP: "China does not need this genetically modified rice, as it produces enough and even exports a bit". 一位著名农学家TongPingya告诉法新社说:“中国不需要这种转基因水稻,因为中国能生产足够的水稻并且还能出口一点”。
I mean, you know, economists over the years have modified it a bit. 我是指,你知道,经济学家们这么多年来只作了略微的修改。
With the process of the integration of European Union, the Netherlands revised and modified its energy policies and regulations in a bit to revive its renewable energy industry. 随着欧洲一体化进程,荷兰重新修改制定了其能源政策以重振可再生能源产业。
The erosion resistance of the modified bit is improved remarkably. THE WHITE PHENOMENA 改进后的钻头纯钻时70h以上未出现流道冲蚀失效现象,耐冲蚀寿命比改进前提高近1倍
A modified low bit rate sinusoidal transform coding algorithm ( STC) is presented. 提出了低码率正弦变换编码算法(STC)的改进算法。
Based on the classical Viterbi algorithm its path metrics are modified to take account of a-priori information and it provides a soft output in the form of the a-posteriori LLR for each decoded bit, so SOVA can give more reliable estimation of the decoded bit. SOVA算法在Viterbi算法的基础上,路径量度引入了比特先验信息,对每位译码比特以后验概率似然比的形式提供软输出,因而可提供更高的译码性能。
Especially, the water-filling method with the integer bit constraint is researched and a modified greedy method and a bisection bit allocation method are proposed, respectively. 重点研究了在实际系统中整数比特约束下的注水法则,提出了一种改进的贪婪算法和一种对分比特分配算法。
In addition, after being modified a bit, CPH can also be applied to slope and other underground excavations. 另外,对CPH稍加改动,也可应用于边坡及其它形式的地下工程。
With these modified functions, it is easy to achieve optimal bit allocation to improve the encoding performance. 我们将修正后的率失真函数应用于码率分配,提高了整体的编码性能。
In order to improve the synchronization in signal demodulation, we modify the traditional modem scheme by adding a '1' bit as synchronization pulse to the beginning of each byte. The modified modem scheme avoids bit errors caused by desynchronizing. 为了改善信号解调中的同步问题,论文对传统调制解调技术进行了改进,通过为每个字节添加一个1比特作为该字节的同步脉冲,消除了因不同步而导致的误码。
The experimental results show the modified algorithm improves the video quality and ensures the output bit stream more close to target bit rate. 最终的实验结果表明,宏块的自适应量化改进了图像的编码质量,而且使得输出的码率更加接近目标比特率。